Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sorry, I'm a slacker I know!

It's time for my quarterly update. :) Josh is back in school in 2nd grade. He loves it. Mrs. Reynolds is his teacher. He loves her so much that he told me he wished school was on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I hope he keeps that attitude for a very long time. I'm so grateful for Mrs. Relyea. Josh was very well prepared for 2nd grade and for moving back to Sanford because of her.

Emery started Pre-K today at Little Treasures. This probably makes me a really bad mom, but I wasn't sad. (Either was Emery) She was really excited to wear her new clothes. I did her hair and she was super mad at me. She said "Mom I don't look like a fashion girl, I look like a grandmudder". Then she wanted make-up so that when she walked in all of the kids in her class would tell her "Emery is so beautiful." I think I have a problem here. She has quite the self image.

I'm worried, I don't have a clue what to do for the Primary Program in October - there are no scripts to be found anywhere on the internet. Any ideas, anyone?